Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting some summer sun!

This summer, we've discovered yet another reason why it's wonderful being children of Steven & Rhyll. Not only are they awesome parents, it's also very nice to have access to something as useful as the family lodge! Well, they also happen to have REALLY awesome neighbors, the Shurians! Not only are Chris and Stephanie a ton of fun and salt-of-the-earth type of people, they also have a backyard pool that they have offered to let us come over and swim whenever the mood strikes. On some of the hot days this summer, we've taken them up on this offer and it has been so much fun. Just to throw some more pictures of us up here on the world wide web, here are a few of us swimming!

In just 3 swim days, Charlie has become a little pro in the water. The first time we went, he jumped in after Canon (thankfully, AFTER I put on the life jacket) and was freaking out because he kept spinning in circles from back to front getting water in his face! I had to jump in quickly to help him out and he'd hardly let go the rest of the time. But the next two times we went, he'd figured out how to keep his legs beneath him and to doggy paddle through the water. We all have a lot more fun now that he's more independent. Heaven forbid he ever get near the water without the life jacket on though! I'm afraid he's gotten a little too fearless!

I don't know if they'll ever read this post, but I want to thank the Shurians for being so awesome to us. We really appreciate your generosity and your genuine kindness. I'm honored to even KNOW you guys, let alone to have the chance to swim in your pool! You're the best!

1 comment:

Emily said...

thanks for letting us come with you from time to time. it is nice to take a dip even if I don't like swimming.

who took those amazing pictures!?!??! they are so great.