Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What goes around, comes around.

I think Paul was a little hurt that I commented on his funny smile at the end of Spudman, so I thought I'd get even for him and post one of the ugliest pictures I've ever seen of myself! Starting in the spring, out of some undisclosed location within myself, I decided to start running. I got some good, new running shoes, and with a program designed by my chiropractor, I headed over to the track. Within a week, I recruited my friend Emily to run with me. It's been humbling to train with Emily... she's a natural, she's fast, and she's a pusher... she's also about 4" shorter than me and pregnant. So when she kicks my butt running, it takes some positive "self-talk" to still be okay with myself :) It's been a big blessing to me to become such good friends with Em.

Anyway, my initial goal for running was to be able to run a "family fun run" 5K at the Burnett reunion on July 4th. Paul and I were in charge of it, so I wanted to be able to participate fully. It was in Mapleton around my in-laws neighborhood (which is pretty hilly, I might add) and though I was embarassingly slow, I finished the dang thing in 36 minutes without stopping.

Emily was supposed to run it with me, but she had just run one the week before... and then forgot. Since we'd been training together, we wanted to run one together (not that we run "together" since I lose sight of her after the first mile!), so we signed up for the Mapleton 5K on July 24th. Here are some pictures of the event.
This is a pic of Emily, Liz, Sonia (friends from the ward), and me before the race. Yeah, they all beat me by a long shot!
This is the before shot of Emily and I...
And here's the scary after picture. Just as a disclaimer, I made this ugly face on purpose, but you can't fake that red face!
I finished this race in about 35.5 minutes, so not much better than the first one, but at least I didn't stop. Paul ran beside me, pushing Charlie in the stroller and having a full and lengthy conversation with Sonia's husband, Jonathan (who didn't intend to actually run the race), as I was huffing and puffing with full concentration! One time Paul told me, "focus Diana, let's pick up the pace." With what breath I could spare, I think I did tell him to shut up! I haven't done another race this summer, but I may sign up for one as the fall starts and the weather cools off a little. I'm now working on actually speeding up a bit... I shouldn't be this slow!


The Egglestons said...

Good for you! I don't think it matters how fast or slow you go, simply that you get out there and do it. I'm impressed; it isn't easy to get started. Keep it up!

CMTASK said...

Congrats on running. At least you ran the race. I wouldn't and don't have any desire to ever run a 5k even though it seems the thing to do nowadays. Welcome to the blogging world...glad you joined! said...

I a totally impressed, lady. You are awsome. I can't imagine EVER doing that. I have a rule. I only run if I have to rescue a kid from getting hit by a bus or something. I have to hand it to you. Your times will improve, for sure. You have done the hard part - you started running. Good luck!

Tristan Neider said...

Hi! Thanks for sending me a notice of your blog. It's fun to catch up with your family. Last I heard you were pregnant with #3 and now it looks like he's big. I'm still enjoying being married and working in Ogden. That's pretty much all there is to my life, so no need for blogging here. I do enjoy reading other's blogs and I look forward to adding your blog to my daily list I check.

Unknown said...

Slow or not, you did it! Keep it up and you'll naturally get faster! I've only run one 5k in my life, but I caught the vision of how fun it can be! Good work!