I admit it... I like doing these things! So, here's a meme that my cousin, Loralee did and I felt like doing it too. Mostly because I've stunk big-time at blogging lately.
A – ADVOCATE FOR: People being happy with whom they are… accepting what is good about yourself while being honest about what you know you can do better. I also advocate personal responsibility and accepting the consequences of your decisions. I truly believe in the individual spirit in all of us and know that we ARE more and can DO more than we think we can.
B – BEST FEATURE: I like my lips when they are properly painted with lipstick. I also appreciate having a joyful nature.
C – COULD DO WITHOUT: having to clean my house, whiners, and being pulled in a million directions ALL the time.
D – DREAMS & DESIRES: My ultimate desire is to have a strong marriage and a close family that loves and trusts each other through the course of our lives. I also really want to sing with the Mo-Tab (Mormon Tabernacle Choir) someday. It can happen, but not at this phase of life.
E – ESSENTIAL ITEMS: I look forward to drinking a Diet Carbonated Beverage every day. I feel naked without lipstick, go crazy if I forget my watch, and need good hugs on a regular basis.
F – FAVORITE PAST TIME: I love to read, make cards, watch my 3 favorite shows (biggest loser, SYTYCD, & Glee), and hang out with my girlfriends.
G – GOOD AT: Fixing speech impediments, singing, making pretty cards, kissing my husband, hugging my boys, donating blood, getting over things, and talking to people.
H – HAVE NEVER TRIED: being a vegetarian, snowboarding, jumping out of an airplane or any other extreme sports. I’ve also never tried Zumba, but I want to!
I – IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS: Pay cash for a modest (but nice) home, take our boys on actual vacations every year, buy Paul a car so he stops whining about our minivan, invest and be generous with it.
J – JUNKIE FOR: I have a hard time passing up chocolate in any form, and I already mentioned Diet Coke.
K – KINDRED SPIRIT: There are so many that I would HATE to forget someone. I have had at least one bosom friend in every place I’ve lived. You all know who you are!
L – LITTLE KNOWN FACT: Seriously nothing comes to mind… I talk about myself so much that my life is basically an open book.
M – MEMORABLE MOMENT: Some good ones: My first kiss with Paul, giving birth to my 3 boys, starting my own business, receiving apology letters from two painful break-ups. Most crappy one: hearing the news about Spencer’s accident last Marc.
I’m afraid the answer to this one is: get to have another baby of my own. But that also means that I may also never have to buy a formula or diapers for my own kids again… so you know, silver lining.
O – OCCASIONAL INDULGENCE: spa treatment stuff. I’ve had a gift certificate for a massage and pedicure for 8 months and have been feeling too guilty to use it. I already spend so much time away from my hubby and kids. But when I do indulge… I LOVE IT!
P – PROFESSION: Mom, Wife, Speech-Language Pathologist, Demonstrator for Stampin’ Up!
Q – QUOTE: No, God does not need us to love Him. But oh, how we need to love God! For what we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are—and who we will become. President Dieter F. Uchdorf
R – REASON TO SMILE: being alive, loving my life, having a loving husband, being the mother of 3 really awesome boys, knowing I helped a child become a better communicator, showing someone a cute card/craft idea, (do you want me to keep going? I’ve got a happy list that’s pushing over 700 things). Something little though… getting comments on my blog posts!
S – SORRY ABOUT: Not being able to give everyone that needs something from me everything they need. I’m sorry that I’m not always home for my boys, sorry I don’t always know how to help a student, sorry I suck at cleaning our house, sorry I hate making dinner, sorry I’ve been too self-absorbed to notice the needs of someone else… lots of stuff.
T -THINGS THAT ARE WORRYING YOU RIGHT NOW: Running into bad weather on our trip to Denver this weekend. I’m worried about Andy’s schooling and if we’re doing enough to help him be as successful as possible. I’m also worried about the aftereffects of a bunch of really crappy trials that some of my loved ones have been dealing with this year.
U – UNINTERESTED IN: the plot lines of the insanely stupid cartoon shows my boys watch. I have no desire to hear about the latest adventures of Pokemon, Bakugon, and Scooby Doo. I always feel a little bad telling my boys, “I really don’t care to hear this story,” but sometimes, it needs to be done.
V – VERY SCARED OF: I’m very superstitious about saying these things out loud. I guess you could say that I’m afraid that admitting my fears will make them come true!
W – WORST HABITS: I pick scabs, stay up too late, don’t clean up after myself, procrastinate, and lose my patience too quickly when helping with homework.
X – X MARKS MY IDEAL VACATION SPOT: I want to see it all. I love history and look forward to touring Europe someday. I also LOOOOOVE going on cruises with Paul and some good couple friends.
Y – YUMMIEST DESSERT: I love pumpkin pie and wish it wasn’t so fattening. I wish I was eating some RIGHT NOW!!!
Z – ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn. I don’t know anything about it because I just don’t follow this stuff!
WHAT ARE THE ABC’S OF YOU? Leave a comment if you do this one too. I'd love to read yours. Plus, now you know that comments make me smile!