Flippin, flippity, flip, flip TAXES. No, we didn't get ours filed or anything. I was just finally able to print off my employees W-2 and the W3 forms after a long week of being past due and completely stumped as to how to get these forms printed without spending a million dollars. I'm not going to bore anyone with the details, but I will say that Quickbooks simple start payroll is a flippin rip-off, nobody in Utah county has a typewriter, and I ended up having to spend $40 for a program that would allow my printer to print the forms without a big, flippin, RED, "DEMO" printed down the middle. So, now I can give Tia her w2 tomorrow (a week+ late) and send in the necessary forms and necessary money to the necessary people.
We've been painting our upstairs this week. It looks AWESOME! And just for the record... painting is a royal pain in the (you know what)(I'd say "ass" but it's Sunday). But taking the extra time to tape well and use painters caulk has made a HUGE difference and it looks super-de-duper!
We're also making some headway with installing our 2nd bathroom. There is now a big hole in the concrete... one made in order to locate the drain, which apparently was brilliantly placed under the WALL. Idiot builders. We also have the initial wiring/electrical all ready to go and the framing ready for drywall. We're going to buy the tub/shower unit tomorrow and have it installed by a plumber on Tuesday. Hopefully, we can then get the drywall completed this week as well, and move on to the floor, sink/toilet install, paint, and fixtures. I'm so excited to be getting this all done! It does mean, however, that our house has been in a complete state of CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) since all these projects began. We're decluttering everything, and clearing out excess furniture as well. We were able to take a truck and minivan full of crap to DI yesterday and it's so liberating!! One room at a time, this place is starting to look pretty good... or at least better.
So this next week, I'll be praying for continued energy to just keep plugging along on that monstrous to do list. I'm hoping I don't burn out too quickly.