Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bok, bok!!!!

I was about to post something about politics. I had two good paragraphs written! But I just deleted it because...





But just so you know. I love to talk about politics. I also hate to talk about politics. I feel very strongly about certain things going on with our government. If you also like to talk about politics, I'm open to a having a good conversation with you! But I have one rule and one promise. My rule is that you not assume you know what I think or how I feel just because I happen to be female, or Mormon, or conservative. I just might surprise you. I promise to listen to what you have to say and not assume anything about you either.

As Forrest Gump so eloquently put it, "That's all I have to say about that."


Molly said...

How funny. I am always thinking of posting something political on my blog, but I am mostly motivated by rage, so I don't. I am happy to hear what you have to say. Even if you are a girl.

Rachelle@atticgals.blogspot.com said...

I think the word needs to hear your voice of reason! Be brave.

Emily said...

You are so funny. Sorry for your unfortunate experience the other day...call me anything to vent...or do it on your blog if you want...remember...it is all about you on YOUR blog.

Dave said...

I browsed by your blog, hoping for an update on Spencer..It's amazing how events like this weekend remind you that you really can have a prayer in your heart "at all times". Obviously I'm thinking about you and the family.

About politics...I would love to talk with you sometime. I think I surprise people with my views. I somehow manage to be ultra conservative and quite liberal at the same time.

runningcaj said...

Pres Obama talks about how important countervailing ideas and opinions are. That was so nice to hear because I am such a mixed bag of nuts politically. We need everyone to say what they think so we can all figure out what really needs to happen. I say, "go for it!"